and she could not open her heart to any one for relief.
The window stood open the whole day, and the little elf couldeasily have reached the roses, or any of the flowers; but he could notfind it in his heart to leave one so afflicted. In the window stooda bush bearing monthly roses. He seated himself in one of the flowers,and gazed on the poor girl. Her brother often came into the room,and would be quite cheerful, in spite of his base conduct; so she darenot say a word to him of her heart's grief.
As soon as night came on, she slipped out of the house, and wentinto the wood, to the spot where the linden-tree stood; and afterremoving the leaves from the earth, she turned it up, and therefound him who had been murdered. Oh, how she wept and prayed thatshe also might die! Gladly would she have taken the body home withher; but that was impossible; so she took up the poor head with theclosed eyes, kissed the cold lips, and shook the mould out of thebeautiful hair.
"I will keep this," said she; and as soon as she had covered thebody again with the earth and leaves, she took the head and a littlesprig of jasmine that bloomed in the wood, near the spot where hewas buried, and carried them home with her. As soon as she was inher room, she took the largest flower-pot she could find, and inthis she placed the head of the dead man, covered it up with earth,and planted the twig of jasmine in it.
"Farewell, farewell," whispered the little elf. He could not anylonger endure to witness all this agony of grief, he therefore flewaway to his own rose in the garden. But the rose was faded; only a fewdry leaves still clung to the green hedge behind it.
"Alas! how soon all that is good and beautiful passes away,"sighed the elf.
After a while he found another rose, which became his home, foramong its delicate fragrant leaves he could dwell in safety. Everymorning he flew to the window of the poor girl, and always found herweeping by the flower pot. The bitter tears fell upon the jasminetwig, and each day, as she became paler and paler, the sprigappeared to grow greener and fresher. One shoot after another sproutedforth, and little white buds blossomed, which the poor girl fondlykissed. But her wicked brother scolded her, and asked her if she wasgoing mad. He could not imagine why she was weeping over thatflower-pot, and it annoyed him. He did not know whose closed eyes werethere, nor what red lips were fading beneath the earth. And one dayshe sat and leaned her head against the flower-pot, and the little elfof the rose found her asleep. Then he seated himself by her ear,talked to her of that evening in the arbor, of the sweet perfume ofthe rose, and the loves of the elves. Sweetly she dreamed, and whileshe dreamt, her life passed away calmly and gently, and her spirit waswith him whom she loved, in heaven. And the jasmine opened its largewhite bells, and spread forth its sweet fragrance; it had no other wayof showing its grief for the dead. But the wicked brother consideredthe beautiful blooming plant as his own property, left to him by hissister, and he placed it in his sleeping room, close by his bed, forit was very lovely in appearance, and the fragrance sweet anddelightful. The little elf of the rose followed it, and flew fromflower to flower, telling each little spirit that dwelt in them thestory of the murdered young man, whose head now formed part of theearth beneath them, and of the wicked brother and the poor sister. "Weknow it," said each little spirit in the flowers, "we know it, forhave we not sprung from the eyes and lips of the murdered one. We knowit, we know it," and the flowers nodded with their heads in a peculiarmanner. The elf of the rose could not understand how they could restso quietly in the matter, so he flew to the bees, who were gatheringhoney, and told them of the wicked brother. And the bees told it totheir queen, who commanded that the next morning they should go andkill the murderer. But during the night, the first after thesister's death, while the brother was sleeping in his bed, close towhere he had placed the fragrant jasmine, every flower cup opened, andinvisibly the little spirits stole out, armed with poisonous spears.They placed themselves by the ear of the sleeper, told him dreadfuldreams and then flew across his lips, and pricked his tongue withtheir poisoned spears. "Now have we revenged the dead," said they, andflew back into the white bells of the jasmine flowers. When themorning came, and as soon as the window was opened, the rose elf, withthe queen bee, and the whole swarm of bees, rushed in to kill him. Buthe was already dead. People were standing round the bed, and sayingthat the scent of the jasmine had killed him. Then the elf of the roseunderstood the revenge of the flowers, and explained it to the queenbee, and she, with the whole swarm, buzzed about the flower-pot. Thebees could not be driven away. Then a man took it up to remove it, andone of the bees stung him in the hand, so that he let the flower-potfall, and it was broken to pieces. Then every one saw the whitenedskull, and they knew the dead man in the bed was a murderer. And thequeen bee hummed in the air, and sang of the revenge of the flowers,and of the elf of the rose and said that behind the smallest leafdwells One, who can discover evil deeds, and punish them also.
by Hans Christian Andersen
A FEW large lizards were running nimbly about in the clefts ofan old tree; they could understand one another very well, for theyspoke the lizard language.
"What a buzzing and a rumbling there is in the elfin hill," saidone of the lizards; "I have not been able to close my eyes for twonights on account of the noise; I might just as well have had thetoothache, for that always keeps me awake."
"There is something going on within there," said the other lizard;"they propped up the top of the hill with four red posts, tillcock-crow this morning, so that it is thoroughly aired, and theelfin girls have learnt new dances; there is something."
"I spoke about it to an earth-worm of my acquaintance," said athird lizard; "the earth-worm had just come from the elfin hill, wherehe has been groping about in the earth day and night. He has heard agreat deal; although he cannot see, poor miserable creature, yet heunderstands very well how to wriggle and lurk about. They expectfriends in the elfin hill, grand company, too; but who they are theearth-worm would not say, or, perhaps, he really did not know. All thewill-o'-the-wisps are ordered to be there to hold a torch dance, as itis called. The silver and gold which is plentiful in the hill willbe polished and placed out in the moonlight."
"Who can the strangers be?"