you must havebeen very happy."
"Happy!" exclaimed the fir-tree, and then as he reflected uponwhat he had been telling them, he said, "Ah, yes! after all those werehappy days." But when he went on and related all aboutChristmas-eve, and how he had been dressed up with cakes and lights,the mice said, "How happy you must have been, you old fir-tree."
"I am not old at all," replied the tree, "I only came from theforest this winter, I am now checked in my growth."
"What splendid stories you can relate," said the little mice.And the next night four other mice came with them to hear what thetree had to tell. The more he talked the more he remembered, andthen he thought to himself, "Those were happy days, but they maycome again. Humpty Dumpty fell down stairs, and yet he married theprincess; perhaps I may marry a princess too." And the fir-treethought of the pretty little birch-tree that grew in the forest, whichwas to him a real beautiful princess.
"Who is Humpty Dumpty?" asked the little mice. And then the treerelated the whole story; he could remember every single word, andthe little mice was so delighted with it, that they were ready to jumpto the top of the tree. The next night a great many more mice madetheir appearance, and on Sunday two rats came with them; but theysaid, it was not a pretty story at all, and the little mice werevery sorry, for it made them also think less of it.
"Do you know only one story?" asked the rats.
"Only one," replied the fir-tree; "I heard it on the happiestevening of my life; but I did not know I was so happy at the time."
"We think it is a very miserable story," said the rats. "Don't youknow any story about bacon, or tallow in the storeroom."
"No," replied the tree.
"Many thanks to you then," replied the rats, and they marched off.
The little mice also kept away after this, and the tree sighed,and said, "It was very pleasant when the merry little mice sat roundme and listened while I talked. Now that is all passed too. However, Ishall consider myself happy when some one comes to take me out of thisplace." But would this ever happen? Yes; one morning people came toclear out the garret, the boxes were packed away, and the tree waspulled out of the corner, and thrown roughly on the garret floor; thenthe servant dragged it out upon the staircase where the daylightshone. "Now life is beginning again," said the tree, rejoicing inthe sunshine and fresh air. Then it was carried down stairs andtaken into the courtyard so quickly, that it forgot to think ofitself, and could only look about, there was so much to be seen. Thecourt was close to a garden, where everything looked blooming. Freshand fragrant roses hung over the little palings. The linden-trees werein blossom; while the swallows flew here and there, crying, "Twit,twit, twit, my mate is coming,"- but it was not the fir-tree theymeant. "Now I shall live," cried the tree, joyfully spreading outits branches; but alas! they were all withered and yellow, and itlay in a corner amongst weeds and nettles. The star of gold paperstill stuck in the top of the tree and glittered in the sunshine. Inthe same courtyard two of the merry children were playing who haddanced round the tree at Christmas, and had been so happy. Theyoungest saw the gilded star, and ran and pulled it off the tree."Look what is sticking to the ugly old fir-tree," said the child,treading on the branches till they crackled under his boots. And thetree saw all the fresh bright flowers in the garden, and then lookedat itself, and wished it had remained in the dark corner of thegarret. It thought of its fresh youth in the forest, of the merryChristmas evening, and of the little mice who had listened to thestory of "Humpty Dumpty." "Past!