there she is," said the girl, "and there she sits,"she added, pointing to a little gray bird who was perched on a bough.
"Is it possible?" said the lord-in-waiting, "I never imagined itwould be a little, plain, simple thing like that. She has certainlychanged color at seeing so many grand people around her."
"Little nightingale," cried the girl, raising her voice, "our mostgracious emperor wishes you to sing before him."
"With the greatest pleasure," said the nightingale, and began tosing most delightfully.
"It sounds like tiny glass bells," said the lord-in-waiting,"and see how her little throat works. It is surprising that we havenever heard this before; she will be a great success at court."
"Shall I sing once more before the emperor?" asked thenightingale, who thought he was present.
"My excellent little nightingale," said the courtier, "I havethe great pleasure of inviting you to a court festival this evening,where you will gain imperial favor by your charming song."
"My song sounds best in the green wood," said the bird; butstill she came willingly when she heard the emperor's wish.
The palace was elegantly decorated for the occasion. The walls andfloors of porcelain glittered in the light of a thousand lamps.Beautiful flowers, round which little bells were tied, stood in thecorridors: what with the running to and fro and the draught, thesebells tinkled so loudly that no one could speak to be heard. In thecentre of the great hall, a golden perch had been fixed for thenightingale to sit on. The whole court was present, and the littlekitchen-maid had received permission to stand by the door. She was notinstalled as a real court cook. All were in full dress, and everyeye was turned to the little gray bird when the emperor nodded toher to begin. The nightingale sang so sweetly that the tears came intothe emperor's eyes, and then rolled down his cheeks, as her songbecame still more touching and went to every one's heart. Theemperor was so delighted that he declared the nightingale shouldhave his gold slipper to wear round her neck, but she declined thehonor with thanks: she had been sufficiently rewarded already. "I haveseen tears in an emperor's eyes," she said, "that is my richestreward. An emperor's tears have wonderful power, and are quitesufficient honor for me;" and then she sang again more enchantinglythan ever.
"That singing is a lovely gift;" said the ladies of the court toeach other; and then they took water in their mouths to make themutter the gurgling sounds of the nightingale when they spoke to anyone, so thay they might fancy themselves nightingales. And the footmenand chambermaids also expressed their satisfaction, which is sayinga great deal, for they are very difficult to please. In fact thenightingale's visit was most successful. She was now to remain atcourt, to have her own cage, with liberty to go out twice a day, andonce during the night. Twelve servants were appointed to attend her onthese occasions, who each held her by a silken string fastened toher leg. There was certainly not much pleasure in this kind of flying.
The whole city spoke of the wonderful bird, and when two peoplemet, one said "nightin," and the other said "gale," and theyunderstood what was meant, for nothing else was talked of. Elevenpeddlers' children were named after her, but not of them could singa note.
One day the emperor received a large packet on which was written"The Nightingale." "Here is no doubt a new book about our celebratedbird," said the emperor. But instead of a book, it was a work of artcontained in a casket, an artificial nightingale made to look like aliving one, and covered all over with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires.As soon as the artificial bird was wound up, it could sing like thereal one, and could move its tail up and down, which sparkled withsilver and gold. Round its neck hung a piece of ribbon, on which waswritten "The Emperor of China's nightingale is poor compared with thatof the Emperor of Japan's."
"This is very beautiful," exclaimed all who saw it, and he who hadbrought the artificial bird received the title of "Imperialnightingale-bringer-in-chief."
"Now they must sing together," said the court, "and what a duet itwill be." But they did not get on well, for the real nightingalesang in its own natural way, but the artificial bird sang onlywaltzes.
"That is not a fault," said the music-master, "it is quite perfectto my taste," so then it had to sing alone, and was as successful asthe real bird; besides, it was so much prettier to look at, for itsparkled like bracelets and breast-pins. Three and thirty times did itsing the same tunes without being tired; the people would gladlyhave heard it again, but the emperor said the living nightingale oughtto sing something. But where was she?