a more beautiful apartment could not be found in thewhole town of Kjoge; the queen herself could scarcely be betteraccommodated. There were carpets, and rugs, and window curtainshanging to the ground. Pictures and flowers were scattered about.There was a velvet chair, and a looking-glass against the wall, intowhich a person might be in danger of stepping, for it was as largeas a door. All this Knud saw at a glance, and yet, in truth, he sawnothing but Joanna. She was quite grown up, and very different fromwhat Knud had fancied her, and a great deal more beautiful. In allKjoge there was not a girl like her; and how graceful she looked,although her glance at first was odd, and not familiar; but for amoment only, then she rushed towards him as if she would have kissedhim; she did not, however, although she was very near it. Yes, shereally was joyful at seeing the friend of her childhood once more, andthe tears even stood in her eyes. Then she asked so many questionsabout Knud's parents, and everything, even to the elder-tree and thewillow, which she called "elder-mother and willow-father," as ifthey had been human beings; and so, indeed, they might be, quite asmuch as the gingerbread cakes. Then she talked about them, and thestory of their silent love, and how they lay on the counter togetherand split in two; and then she laughed heartily; but the bloodrushed into Knud's cheeks, and his heart beat quickly. Joanna wasnot proud at all; he noticed that through her he was invited by herparents to remain the whole evening with them, and she poured outthe tea and gave him a cup herself; and afterwards she took a book andread aloud to them, and it seemed to Knud as if the story was allabout himself and his love, for it agreed so well with his ownthoughts. And then she sang a simple song, which, through her singing,became a true story, and as if she poured forth the feelings of herown heart.
"Oh," he thought, "she knows I am fond of her." The tears he couldnot restrain rolled down his cheeks, and he was unable to utter asingle word; it seemed as if he had been struck dumb.
When he left, she pressed his hand, and said, "You have a kindheart, Knud: remain always as you are now." What an evening ofhappiness this had been; to sleep after it was impossible, and Knuddid not sleep.
At parting, Joanna's father had said, "Now, you won't quite forgetus; you must not let the whole winter go by without paying usanother visit;" so that Knud felt himself free to go again thefollowing Sunday evening, and so he did. But every evening afterworking hours- and they worked by candle-light then- he walked outinto the town, and through the street in which Joanna lived, to lookup at her window. It was almost always lighted up; and one eveninghe saw the shadow of her face quite plainly on the window blind;that was a glorious evening for him. His master's wife did not likehis always going out in the evening, idling, wasting time, as shecalled it, and she shook her head.
But his master only smiled, and said, "He is a young man, my dear,you know."
"On Sunday I shall see her," said Knud to himself, "and I willtell her that I love her with my whole heart and soul, and that shemust be my little wife. I know I am now only a poor journeymanshoemaker, but I will work and strive, and become a master in time.Yes, I will speak to her; nothing comes from silent love. I learntthat from the gingerbread-cake story."
Sunday came, but when Knud arrived, they were all unfortunatelyinvited out to spend the evening, and were obliged to tell him so.
Joanna pressed his hand, and said, "Have you ever been to thetheatre?