By all means, please add
a life term to my sentence!"
ANDY It wouldn't matter. With Tommy's testimony, I can get a new trial.
NORTON That's assuming Blatch is even still there. Chances are excellent he'd be released by
now. Excellent.
ANDY They'd have his last known address. Names of relatives...
(Norton shakes his head)
Well it's a chance. isn't it? How can you be so obtuse?
NORTON What? What did you call me?
ANDY Obtuse! Is it deliberate? The country club will have his old time cards! W-2s with his name
on them!
NORTON (rises)
Dufresne, if you want to indulge this fantasy, that's your business.
Don't make it mine. This meeting's over.
ANDY Look, if it's the squeeze, don't worry. I'd never say what goes on in here. I'd be just as
indictable as you for laundering the money!
NORTON Don't you ever mention money to me again, you sorry son of a bitch!
Not in this office, not anywhere!
(slaps intercom) Get in here! Now!
ANDY I was just trying to rest your mind at ease, that's all.
NORTON (as GUARDS enter)
Solitary! A month! Andy gets dragged away, kicking and screaming:
ANDY What's the matter with you? It's my chance to get out, don't you see
that? It's my life! Don't you understand it's my life?
193 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1966) 193
Mail call. Men crowd around as names are called out. Red and the boys are parked on the
FLOYD A month in the hole. Longest damn stretch I ever heard of.
It's my fault.
Like hell. You didn't pull the trigger, and you didn't convict him.
Red? You saying Andy's innocent? I mean for real innocent?
(Red nods)
Sweet Jesus. How long's he been in here?
Since '47. Going on nineteen years.
Thomas Williams!
Tommy raises his hand. The envelope gets tossed to him. He stares at it. Red peers over his
Board of Education.
The son of a bitch mailed it.
Looks that way. You gonna open it or stick your thumb up your butt?
Thumb up my butt sounds better.
He gets hemmed in by the older men. Red snatches the letter.
C'mon, just throw it away. Will you please? Just throw it away?
Red rips it open, scans the letter. Expressionless.
Well, shit.
194 INT -- VISITOR'S ROOM -- DAY (1966) 194
Tommy makes his way through the chaos, finds Beth and the baby
waiting behind the thick plexi shield. He sits, doesn't pick up the phone. Just stares at Beth. She
doesn't know what to make of it.
He presses a piece of paper against the glass. A high school diploma. Her face lights up, blinking
back tears.
195 INT -- SOLITARY WING -- NIGHT (1966) 195
LOW ANGLE on steel door. Somewhere behind it, unseen, is Andy,
A rat scurries along the wall. FOOTSTEPS approach slowly.
196 INT -- SOLITARY -- NIGHT (1966) 196
Andy listens in darkness. The FOOTSTEPS pause outside his door. The slot opens. An ELDERLY
GUARD peers in.
Kid passed. C-plus average. Thought you'd like to know.
The slot closes. The FOOTSTEPS recede. Andy smiles.
197 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1966) 197
We find Tommy on evening work detail, mopping the floors with
bucket and pail. Mert Entwhistle comes into view.
Warden wants to talk.
198 EXT -- PRISON -- NIGHT (1966) 198
A steel door rattles open. Mert leads Tommy outside to a gate,
unlocks it. Tommy looks around.
Out here?
That's what the man said.
Mert swings the gate open, sends Tommy through, turns and heads back inside. Tommy proceeds
out across a loading-dock access for the shops and mills. Some vehicles parked. The place is
deserted. He stops, sensing a presence.